Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Hi all!!
Today is the 1st of November wor!!
That means the day we go for industrial visit. .
So where did we go today?
Ulu Pandan Refuse Incineration Plant of course!! But no one is excited at all because thats where all the rubbish from all you people out there land up at.
Smelly is not the only issue there but the shabby infrastructure inside this 30 years old incineration plant. I really hope it does not collapse.
Crap stuff can be found inside the BUNKER or hopper for all the trash and then the machine inside will push the rubbish slowly towards their fiery grave.
Much like a cremation machine, the rubbish is burned in ashes and then transported to Pulau Semakau or *Rubbish Island*
You will be surprised to know that the daily generated electricity of 1300 million KW only supply 3% of Singapore's daily electricity consumption (-____-)''
The whole thing lasted not more than 2 hours and we are gone!! DIao, haha but we had fun, especially after CRS lesson we got nothing to do then chat with Michelle and Cheng Peng ^ ^
Tomolo is another day but must tahan it lah, Sunday's the day to play hard then slog out aSS off during E-learning week to finish all the work.
Check out Mr Koh's COOL Pose!!
Rain SIa!!!
So i go back to do stuff liao. . .
--Scream CiTy, PlAcE oF HoRrOr!~~- -
10:30 PM
Monday, October 30, 2006
Hey all!!!
I had the most boring wekends ever and was rotting at home until like nothing is left of me. ..
My Class having chalet thanks to Miss Claire Ng!!!
Scheduled on This coming Sunday, i am hoping that there are still chalets avaliable because we havent even booked the chalet. . .
Dots man but we are sure there are spaces left!!!
Costa Sands Pasir Ris is where we are going(again. . .) but it is sure to be fun!!!
Haha this time we are going to drag our previous class tutor Dr Tay to join us and possibly sponsor us!!
Happy Happy!!
Also recently, i have been thinking a lot lately and i remembered my NPCC overseas trip to climb Gunung Angsi..
The Good old days just seems like yesterday. . .
We stood as one as we conquer the mountain that day as sweat and blood( no blood actually) paid off.
Precious memories~~
Wa Lao, starting to feel tired and sleepless each night lor.
I was Like WTF!!! I tossed and turned on my bed and still i cant sleep.
Damn tired sia so i am going to take a little nap before i do my CRS tonight!!
BTW we are planning to force Yean Man to drink Guiness Stout with raw egg and then when he is drunk, we lock him up with Agus in a room and force them to sleep together for the night!!
[EVIL LAUGHS] Agus will come crying in the morning and run home as fast as he could and never see another soul.
The Special Treatment foe our outstanding leader!!
--Scream CiTy, PlAcE oF HoRrOr!~~- -
5:50 PM